Written: February 15, 2025
Majority Leader Mike Johnson
568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Majority Leader Mike Johnson,
I am writing to express my utter disgust and profound disappointment with your continued support for Donald Trump, particularly in light of his ongoing actions that undermine the very foundation of our democracy. Your endorsement of his pardoning of criminals, pandering to extremist groups, and refusal to acknowledge the outcome of the 2020 election reflects a dangerous disregard for justice, integrity, and the will of the people.
Let us be clear: Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Despite repeated false claims and an unprecedented campaign of disinformation, the American people made their decision. To continue perpetuating the lie of a "stolen election" is not just an affront to our democratic process—it is an attack on the very fabric of our nation. Your continued alignment with Trump’s rhetoric of denial and division speaks volumes about your priorities: political expediency over truth and the integrity of the American electoral system.
Additionally, the events of January 6th were not a "peaceful protest," as some have suggested. That day was an insurrection—an attempt to violently overthrow the results of a free and fair election. To downplay the severity of this act is not only disrespectful to the lives lost and the democracy we hold dear, but it also emboldens future efforts to undermine the rule of law. Your unwillingness to fully condemn this attack on the Capitol speaks to a deep failure in leadership and an abdication of your duty to uphold the Constitution.
Your vocal and continued support for a leader who routinely pardons those convicted of crimes—particularly individuals involved in actions that threaten our democracy—is unconscionable. Trump’s decisions have emboldened criminals and extremists alike, eroding trust in our institutions and our justice system. The American people deserve better than a leader who undermines the rule of law for political gain.
Equally disturbing is the role played by influential figures like Elon Musk, whose behavior and public influence are doing significant harm to public discourse. His reckless manipulation of social media, combined with his disregard for the societal implications of his actions, makes him a dangerous force in our national conversation. It is time for Musk to go—his actions perpetuate the very extremism and misinformation that you, as an elected official, should be working to combat.
It is no longer acceptable for elected officials, particularly those in positions of leadership, to remain complicit in the normalization of such behavior. The responsibility to serve and protect this nation—its values and its people—must come before any personal or political loyalty. The very essence of your role requires leadership rooted in integrity, a quality that is sadly absent in your current stance.
The American people deserve better. We deserve representatives who are not afraid to stand up to corruption, to reject extremism, and to safeguard the principles upon which this great nation was founded. You have the power to do so much more than enable the status quo. I implore you to reconsider your current trajectory and put the interests of the nation above political alliances and personal ambitions. The longer you and your constituents allow this to happen, the harder it will be to overcome.
Anonymous Citizen